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Here we will be talking about how to use the interface of the QalibContext

⚡ Basic Usage

This is a simple XML file that contains a barebones embed

    <message key="test_key">
            <title>Hello World</title>
                    <name>Field 1</name>
                    <value>The first field is mandatory</value>

Lets dissect this, piece by piece. First off, we have the <discord> tag which is the container (ElementTree) for all the <message> and <menu> elements. We can have a variable number of <message> and <menu> elements and they are uniquely identified by their key attribute such as <message key="test_key"> or <menu key="test_key2">, which is used to identify this embed, in this case test_key uniquely identifies the message, and test_key2 uniquely identifies the menu.

In the menu element, we have <message> tags which uniquely identify the messages that are associated with the menu.

The <message> tag has a key attribute which is used to identify the message, and various tags. You can use the <embed> tag to create a custom embed that is attached to the message as seen above.

There are other tags that allow you to control how the message is used, such as the <tts>true</tts> tag which is a boolean value that determines whether the message is sent as text-to-speech or not, and the <delete_after>15.0</delete_after> tag which is a float value that deletes the message after the specified number of seconds. The full list can be seen here

Components of Embed Tag

We then use the the components of the embed tag, so the 3 mandatory elements of an embed that is required to render it is the <title>, <colour>/<color>, and at least one <field> in the <fields> container, which contain a <name>, and a <value>.

Using more of the attributes that can associated with an embed

Each embed can be extended to leverage more the things that an embed can offer such as:

  1. Description
  2. Type
  3. Timestamp (with format attribute defaulting to "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
  4. Url
  5. Footer
    1. Text
    2. Icon
  6. Thumbnail
  7. Image
  8. Author
    1. Name
    2. Icon
    3. Url

You can view how to write them in different file formats, such as xml and json

So an example of fully using all the features an embed could offer is as such:

    <message key="test_key">
            <description>Test Description</description>
            <timestamp format="%d-%m%-Y">22-04-2023</timestamp>
                    <name>Test Field</name>
                    <text>Test Text</text>
                <text>Test Footer</text>
                <name>Test Author</name>

🎨 Rendering Values

You can choose your TemplateEngine. The ones that are currently defined is Formatter which uses python's format method, and the Jinja2 template engine, which is an adapter over Jinja2. The TemplateEngine is used in the form of a Dependency Injection into the Renderer instance via its constructor. The Renderer templates and deserializes the files into a Display. The Renderer instance is injected into the QalibContext which extends the discord.ext.commands.Context.

You can use the qalib_context decorator over a bot.command so that it overrides the discord.ext.commands.Context with its subclass QalibContext.

    <message key="bank">
            <title>Balance {}</title>
                    <value>Has 💵{player.funds} EGP in the bank</value>

🔮 QalibContext

so if we have this sample file called player.xml that is in the templates/ directory:

    <message key="army">
            <title>Army of {}</title>
                    <value>Has 💂{player.soldiers} defending the nation</value>
    <message key="bank">
            <title>Hello {}</title>
                    <value>Has 💵{player.funds} EGP in the bank</value>

the Renderer class uses it to render the template, and form a message that can be sent using the QalibContext instance.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Literal

import discord
from discord.ext import commands

import qalib
from qalib.template_engines.formatter import Formatter

bot = commands.AutoShardedBot(command_prefix="!", intents=discord.Intents.all())

Messages = Literal["army", "bank"]

class Player:
    name: str
    bank: str
    funds: float
    army_name: str
    soldiers: int

def fetch_player(name: str) -> Player:

@qalib.qalib_context(Formatter(), "templates/player.xml")
async def test(ctx: qalib.QalibContext[Messages], name: str):
    await ctx.rendered_send("army", keywords={
        "player": fetch_player(name)

💸 QalibInteraction

There is also a QalibInteraction, so that it extends the discord.Interaction instance. Using the same .xml file as the previous section we are able to use the QalibInteraction with a slash command as such:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Literal

import discord
from discord.ext import commands

import qalib
from qalib.template_engines.formatter import Formatter

bot = commands.AutoShardedBot(command_prefix="!", intents=discord.Intents.all())

Messages = Literal["army", "bank"]

class Player:
    name: str
    bank: str
    funds: float
    army_name: str
    soldiers: int

def fetch_player(name: str) -> Player:

@discord.app_commands.describe(player_name="What is the name of the player?")
@qalib.qalib_interaction(Formatter(), "templates/player.xml")
async def test(interaction: qalib.QalibInteraction[Messages], player_name: str):
    await interaction.rendered_send("army", keywords={
        "player": fetch_player(player_name)

async def on_ready():
    await bot.tree.sync()

📝 Modals

QalibInteractions are also able to render Modals from their documents using the .render(key, callables, keywords, events) method. With the events allowing you to respond to user actions

  • ModalEvents.ON_TIMEOUT: when the view times out.
import qalib.translators.json.components

import qalib.translators.json

async def on_timeout(view: qalib.translators.json.components.Modal) -> None:
  • ModalEvents.ON_CHECK: when the view is being interacted with, have a check to return a bool to call any callbacks
import qalib.translators.json.components

import qalib.translators.json

async def check(view: qalib.translators.json.components.Modal, interaction: discord.Interaction) -> bool:
  • ModalEvents.ON_ERROR: when the view throws out an exception, this event is called
import qalib.translators.json.components

import qalib.translators.json

async def error_handling(
        view: qalib.translators.json.components.Modal,
        interaction: discord.Interaction,
        error: Exception
) -> None:
  • ModalEvents.ON_SUBMIT: when the modal is submitted this event is called
import qalib.translators.json.components

import qalib.translators.json

async def submit(view: qalib.translators.json.components.Modal, interaction: discord.Interaction) -> None:

You can also attach the callables to the button using the dictionary in the callables keyword in the .rendered_send method, and the dictionary in the events keywords

    <modal key="modal1" title="Questionnaire">
                <label>What is your name?</label>
                <placeholder>Enter your name</placeholder>
                <label>What is your age?</label>
                <placeholder>Enter your age</placeholder>
from typing import Literal

import discord
from discord.ext import commands

import qalib
from qalib.template_engines.formatter import Formatter
from qalib.translators.modal import ModalEvents

bot = commands.AutoShardedBot(command_prefix="!", intents=discord.Intents.all())

Messages = Literal["welcome"]

@qalib.qalib_context(Formatter(), "templates/button.xml")
async def greet(ctx: qalib.QalibContext[Messages]):
    async def on_submit(view: discord.ui.View, interaction: discord.Interaction):

    await ctx.rendered_send("modal1", events={ModalEvents.ON_SUBMIT: on_submit})

🖌 Using Views

We also support the rendering of views, and the different UI Components for each embed.

    <message key="welcome">
                    <button key="greet">
                        <label>Click Me!</label>

This is stored as templates/button.xml

There are other components that can be rendered, and is shown in the XML View Section

You can hook into the events of the components by passing a dictionary of events to the .rendered_send method,

there are multiple events that can be triggered,


  • ViewEvents.ON_TIMEOUT: when the view times out.
import qalib.translators.json.components

import qalib.translators.json

async def on_timeout(view: qalib.translators.json.components.View) -> None:
  • ViewEvents.ON_CHECK: when the view is being interacted with, have a check to return a bool to call any callbacks
import qalib.translators.json.components

import qalib.translators.json

async def check(view: qalib.translators.json.components.View, interaction: discord.Interaction) -> bool:
  • ViewEvents.ON_ERROR: when the view throws out an exception, this event is called
import qalib.translators.json.components

import qalib.translators.json

async def error_handling(
        view: qalib.translators.json.components.View,
        interaction: discord.Interaction,
        error: Exception,
        item: discord.ui.Item
) -> None:

You can also attach the callables to the button using the dictionary in the callables keyword in the .rendered_send method, and the dictionary in the events keywords

from typing import Literal

import discord
from discord.ext import commands

import qalib
from qalib.template_engines.formatter import Formatter
from qalib.translators.view import ViewEvents

bot = commands.AutoShardedBot(command_prefix="!", intents=discord.Intents.all())

Messages = Literal["welcome"]

async def acknowledged(interaction: discord.Interaction):
    await interaction.response.send_message("Acknowledged", ephemeral=True)

@qalib.qalib_context(Formatter(), "templates/button.xml")
async def greet(ctx: qalib.QalibContext[Messages]):
    async def on_check(view: discord.ui.View, interaction: discord.Interaction):
        return ==

    await ctx.rendered_send("welcome", callables={"greet": acknowledged}, events={ViewEvents.ON_CHECK: on_check})

There is also in-built menus, that you can make easily. You just have to define the embeds in a <menu> tag, with a unique key attribute, and you can use that to make a sequential menu (order appears as defined).

    <menu key="menu1">
            <message key="1">
                    <title>Page 1</title>
                            <name>This is the first page</name>
                            <value>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.</value>
            <message key="2">
                    <title>Page 2</title>
                            <name>This is the second page</name>
                            <value>tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna.</value>
            <message key="3">
                    <title>Page 3</title>
                            <name>This is the third page</name>
                            <value>Eu non diam phasellus vestibulum lorem sed.</value>

To render the menu you have to use .rendered_send() method with the key as the first argument, and that will render the menu.

You can also add a MenuEvents.ON_CHANGE hook, such that everytime the page changes, the callback is run.

from import Menu

async def on_change(menu: Menu) -> None:

an example of a menu being rendered can be seen here:

from typing import Literal

import discord
from discord.ext import commands

import qalib
from qalib.template_engines.formatter import Formatter
from import Menu, MenuEvents

bot = commands.AutoShardedBot(command_prefix="!", intents=discord.Intents.all())

Messages = Literal["menu1"]

@qalib.qalib_context(Formatter(), "templates/player.xml")
async def test(ctx: qalib.QalibContext[Messages]):
    async def on_change(menu: Menu):

    await ctx.rendered_send("menu1", events={MenuEvents.ON_CHANGE: on_change})

or you can manually define it as so:

from typing import Literal

import discord
from discord.ext import commands

import qalib
from qalib.template_engines.formatter import Formatter

bot = commands.AutoShardedBot(command_prefix="!", intents=discord.Intents.all())

Messages = Literal["menu1"]

async def test(ctx):
    context: qalib.QalibContext[Messages] = qalib.QalibContext(ctx, qalib.Renderer(Formatter(), "templates/player.xml"))
    await context.rendered_send("menu1")

🧰 All Message Options

you can read about all the options here

  • embed
    <title>Page 1</title>
            <name>This is the first page</name>
            <value>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.</value>
  • embeds
        <title>Page 1</title>
                <name>This is the first page</name>
                <value>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.</value>
        <title>Page 2</title>
                <name>This is the second page</name>
                <value>tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna.</value>
  • content
<content>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.</content> 
  • tts
  • nonce
  • delete_after
  • suppress_embeds
  • file
    <description>Test 1</description>
  • files
        <description>Test 1</description>
        <description>Test 2</description>
  • allowed_mentions
    <everyone mention="false"/>
  • reference
  • mention_author
  • view
        <button key="button1">
            <label>Test Button</label>